Sunday, February 19, 2012

Every Monday Inchie - February 20th

Our Inchie Monday topic this week is "Dream"

What else would I be dreaming about, in Canada, in February?


  1. Oh yes! You and I could have been twins today because I thought of doing something very similar.

  2. Great, Kaybee! I have to disagree though . I love snow. Don't want any now though as I am in SPRING mode at the moment.

  3. Great, Kaybee! I have to disagree though . I love snow. Don't want any now though as I am in SPRING mode at the moment.

  4. Yes could do with a bit of sun here, although despite all the weather we have had, we are heading for a water shortage im most parts of the UK, too little rain for two years running. perhaps they should not have put all those wind farms on the West coast, where all our rain comes from.

  5. But, ChrisJ, you don't have much of an excuse to dream of Cuba!

    rtquilter - thanks for dropping by. I don't mind snow so much as I hate the cold!

    Snafu, I wish you would tell my friends and family about that - they think it NEVER stops raining over there!
