The crafty raccoon.
While I was visiting my sister in California recently, we took a drive to the desert. Along the way we stopped in a small town gift shop and we both bought some of these 'magic eggs.' The information that came with them says, "These opalescent glass eggs from China reflect light in wondrous ways...the colors and translucence change with different light sources and are particularly alluring in water."
So when I arrived back in Canada, we put our water fountain out on the patio and placed the eggs under the flowing water. My photos don't do them justice -- but they really are quite beautiful.

But one morning, as I headed out to the patio for my early cup of tea, this is what I found.....
I think our crafty raccoon was hungry, and dipped into the water fountain for a yummy egg! Did he break his teeth? I don't think we'll see him around for a while!