We drove to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Centre

Unfortunately, the weather had turned decidedly chilly, so we didn't stay at the centre too long. But long enough to capture on camera some more stunning plants and flowers:

We drove to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Centre
Unfortunately, the weather had turned decidedly chilly, so we didn't stay at the centre too long. But long enough to capture on camera some more stunning plants and flowers:
What a majestic bird he is!
Ultimately, they all gave up and flew away:
Look at that wingspread!
Well, we had come down to the harbour for lunch. But...oh no! The fish and chip shop...
Why, a cuppa tea, of course -- at the Robin's Nest Cafe!
Later, we drove down along the beach road -- not a lot to see, as this old dredger:
...was clearing accumulated sand from the entrance way of the harbour. It sucks the sand all up and then deposits it back on the beach by way of massive piping.
Not exactly a scenic view today...but a very necessary process to keep the harbour clear for the hundreds of boats that go in and out daily.
Back at home, the patio was a lovely cool spot to sit and read for a while.
This little guy was snooping around for insects.
But, yes, that is 90 degrees you see on the dial, so we didn't stay there too long.
But the birds were having a great time:
Keeping cool
Having an afternoon snack, and ...
an impromptu conference in the shade.
Even Bailey found a cool spot to rest