The girl in red looks a little sun-burned!
I really enjoyed this one, below. It had lots of challenges, especially with shading, but I think it turned out quite well.
Here is the original of one I am working on now. It will be some time, I think, before you see my version!

Again, lots of challenges. But I have really enjoyed what I have accomplished so far on it. I am finding that I have to REALLY like the picture, before I get any enjoyment out of reproducing it --and I really like this one -- it's cute, don't you think? But the cat reminds me a bit of C.S. Lewis's Aslan, in the Chronicles of Narnia!
I don't want to tell you how long it takes to draw these! But it is a great stress-reliever for me and I enjoy the final product, even though I see so many areas that need improvement -- but that's how we learn, isn't it?
What kind of pictures do YOU like to draw?
Very nicely done! Yes, I really have to like the picture before I copy it. I especially like the still life.