It was a perfect day, weather-wise, and we were grateful -- as we've not had many of those kind of days so far this summer.
We'd gathered together to celebrate two of the grand kids birthdays. Barbecued chicken and hot dogs and all the 'fixins.'
and lots of gifts, cake, candles and wishes

and laughter and fun in the pool. 

After a while, we (13 of us) were all scattered outside and throughout the house. I was upstairs together with my son-in-law, who is a great photographer, admiring his most recent collection of photos on the computer.

Suddenly, there was an almighty 'whoosh' through the windows. Curtains went flying and everything began to whirl through the house. Amidst cries of alarm, everyone quickly ran to slam closed the windows and doors.
Someone was outside shouting, "The umbrella's flying away!" In fact, two of them went sailing -- the biggest one went as high as the roof top. Plant pots flew into the pool, and leaves and tree branches were swirling around.
It only lasted a few frightening minutes -- almost like a mini-tornado, and we heard later that there was one a few miles north of us.

(not an actual photo, but it's pretty effective isn't it?!)
But look what the final result was!

A beautiful DOUBLE rainbow!
I guess that was either a mini tornado or one getting ready to be one. Dinner looks delicious.