And Very Happy Anniversary to Chris and Barry!
50 Years ago tomorrow, in 1959, my sister and her husband 'tied the knot' in a tiny church in Goole, Yorkshire, England Friends and relatives came from many corners of the UK to celebrate with them
The Happy Couple

And the not-so-happy bridesmaid --
I was very shy, very nervous,
and not at all happy with my
orange, organza bridesmaid's dress, and the 'coronet' I had to wear in my hair
(I was a real tomboy!).
It was a fine wedding, and a great beginning to a whole new life for them -- not only together, but in a new country.
Almost immediately after the wedding, they walked across the street and entered the train station to catch a train down to London, where they would begin their journey to Toronto, Canada, and a REALLY new life together!
They attended Toronto Bible College, which became Ontario Bible College, which ultimately became Tyndale College and Seminary. And Barry became the pastor of Ringwood Christian Church in Stouffville.

Barry, in front of the church, renewing acquaintances, years later, with two of his congregants, Ada Steckley and Frances Vague.
For my part in the wedding, Chris gave me a gift:
A pretty little silver cross (about 2cms long).

Of course, I still have it, but there is a story that goes with it.
I always appreciated it as a piece of jewelry, but that cross became much more meaningful when I gave my life to Jesus. That took place in 1966, a few years after I, too, had immigrated to Canada. From that point on, I wore the cross almost daily for many years.
In 1974, I took my children to the UK to visit their grandparents. We were playing in my parents' beautiful garden.
Yes, that IS me, with my father in the garden!

Dad had fashioned a swing to the huge walnut tree and the kids had a wonderful time on it. It
was later in the afternoon that I noticed my cross had disappeared from around my neck. I was devastated. We all hunted high and low in the grass and all around the huge garden, to no avail.

I went to bed that night and prayed that God would help me find it -- the cross had become so special to me.
The next day, even though we had looked there numerous times, there we found the cross, on the grass under the walnut tree -- a miracle!
Many may think that to be married for 50 years is nothing short of a miracle! For sure it takes lots of unconditional love and patience -- which only God can give -- and no doubt lots of hard work too!!
So, again --
Congratulations to you both, and may your day be a very special one, filled with great joy and wonderful memories!
Oh Kay! I didn't expect this! Thank you so much -- and please e mail me a copy of that photo of Ada Steckley and Francis Vague, I don't think I've ever seen it before!gg