Monday, June 25, 2012


There I was, sitting on the patio, pondering how I should interpret this week's inchie theme, when this tiny feather floated down from the sky and landed on the seat right beside my lap - honest! I didn't see a bird - have never noticed a feather this small before - it is exactly an inch long!

Perhaps it fell from a robin's nest, as there seem to be many robins around these days. Maybe I had just never noticed floating feathers before - never took the time to 'smell the roses,' I guess.

There's a lesson to be learned here, I think!



  1. That is amazing, just think of the chain of coincidences that must have started long before you were born. First, that species of bird move into the area, then they populate enough that nests are built all over. Then someone decided to build your house just where it is and after several generations of birds, one is hatched that at the stage of its life when it is moulting, it flies in just the right direction, in just the right wind conditions, at just the right time to shed that feather which will end up on your lap.

  2. snafu you have no soul!

    I love your feather, and the fact that fate provided it at just the right time!

  3. Yes, AJ, and that comment comes from a fellow who has his own magic wand!

  4. I am sorry if I offended, it was not meant as sarcasm, just a sense of wonder at such a long sequence of events leading to that feather arriving at that particular time, just when you needed inspiration, like Newton’s apple. Fate or whatever it is, you must admit there is always a long chain of events in everything that affects us, from where you were born, affecting your nationality, wealth and so on, through who you meet, who you marry, what children you have, what would have happened if… and so on.

  5. Okay, snafu, I guess I can let you off the hook. Still not sure if you are pulling my leg, but must keep harmony in the family at all costs :}

    I must admit though, not being thoroughly acquainted with Harry Potter props, the thought of you having a magic wand does bring some peculiar pictures to mind!

  6. Oops, just read your latest blog, snafu. Surely no-one but you would have thought of that!

  7. This is a very nice feather. And how you got is is even better. I love the softness (feinheit?) of the feather.

  8. I must confess it was not my idea.
